Saint Michael is indeed my patron saint and watches over me all of my life I am absolutely convinced. With God's will, he probably has saved me more times from
calamity, and of course that automobile accident last October. Funny thing, even the Jewish people have an amazing devotion to the great archangel. I am grateful. But this leads to a song lyric which I was inspired to write two weeks ago. So many times, we do not understand the will of God. We shake our head. We wonder. Sometimes we even doubt him because of a tragedy that has befallen others. But as I approach my sixtieth (60th) birthday, I begin to realize that we simply must trust him. When I was really down and out about ten years after a nervous breakdown, I remember reading Job in the bible. And as Job doubts God's choices the Lord basically asks him "Did I do a good job on the rainbow?" "Were you there when I hung the stars in the skies?" So here is a lyric that Tim is about to arrange and it tells a really great story in it:
Music and lyrics by Mike Ricciardi
A man I'veknown for many years told me this tale one day.
On a bridge that looked right there upon his hometown harbor bay.
As the sun was rising , he’d pledged he could not stay
In a life where all his hopes and dreams had simply been betrayed.
No one saw this man look down prepared to end to end it all.
Not a soul would notice and he could not there recall
Any prayer that God had answered: just a failure ‘fore his fall
He closed his eyes and to his surprise an angel had the gall.
To block his way that summer’s day, the man could not believe.
That any one in heaven would care enough to grieve
To send a winged born messenger and somehow stop his plan.
The angel said to him “My friend, what makes you want to leave.?
Let Go! Let God! Don’t end a life of caring
And all that you've been sharing
Don’t walk away five minutes ‘fore the miracle is due
No one is a failure ‘cause they haven’t found success.
You've made a treasure that’s in heaven I confess.
But the man upon that bridge’s rail still felt he wasn't worth,
More time upon this sphere of blue: the planet we call Earth.
But the angel said “If every man could always have his dream.
What was the use of heaven, sir, if life was this serene.
“Just maybe, sir”, that angel said “the dreams you need to fill”.
“Are not the ones that you designed but those just waiting still”
For someone with a heart like yours to open castle doors.”
Sometimes the dreams assigned to us are another’s and not yours
Let Go! Let God! Don’t end a life of caring
And all that you've been sharing
Don’t walk away five minutes ‘fore the miracle is due
No one is a failure ‘cause they haven’t found success.
You have made a treasure that’s in heaven I confess.
And as the two of them stood there, a family came to pray
The storm last night had taken their poor father’s life away.
They asked God “Was it possible for them to find the way.
To find a man like they had known and might he come to stay.
And then and there, this blessed man knew what he had to do.
He walked down from the bridge and said these words so true
“Don’t worry ‘bout your father, children. God will see you tyhru.
Walked them home and found that angel’s words were true
Let Go! Let God! Don’t end a life of caring
And all that you've been sharing
Don’t walk away five minutes ‘fore the miracle is due
No one is a failure ‘cause they haven’t found success.
You have made a treasure that’s in heaven I confess.
Today that man is still alive and on this special day.
He plans to walk me down the aisle and together we will say.
God draws straight with crooked lines. And He will show the way
“Let Go, Let God” is never odd when we have faith today!
Let Go! Let God! Don’t end a life of caring
And all that you've been sharing
Don’t walk away five minutes ‘fore the miracle is due
No one is a failure ‘cause they haven’t found success.
You have made a treasure that’s in heaven
I confess__________________
Copyright 2007 All rights reserved.
Music and lyrics by Mike Ricciardi
A man I'veknown for many years told me this tale one day.
On a bridge that looked right there upon his hometown harbor bay.
As the sun was rising , he’d pledged he could not stay
In a life where all his hopes and dreams had simply been betrayed.
No one saw this man look down prepared to end to end it all.
Not a soul would notice and he could not there recall
Any prayer that God had answered: just a failure ‘fore his fall
He closed his eyes and to his surprise an angel had the gall.
To block his way that summer’s day, the man could not believe.
That any one in heaven would care enough to grieve
To send a winged born messenger and somehow stop his plan.
The angel said to him “My friend, what makes you want to leave.?
Let Go! Let God! Don’t end a life of caring
And all that you've been sharing
Don’t walk away five minutes ‘fore the miracle is due
No one is a failure ‘cause they haven’t found success.
You've made a treasure that’s in heaven I confess.
But the man upon that bridge’s rail still felt he wasn't worth,
More time upon this sphere of blue: the planet we call Earth.
But the angel said “If every man could always have his dream.
What was the use of heaven, sir, if life was this serene.
“Just maybe, sir”, that angel said “the dreams you need to fill”.
“Are not the ones that you designed but those just waiting still”
For someone with a heart like yours to open castle doors.”
Sometimes the dreams assigned to us are another’s and not yours
Let Go! Let God! Don’t end a life of caring
And all that you've been sharing
Don’t walk away five minutes ‘fore the miracle is due
No one is a failure ‘cause they haven’t found success.
You have made a treasure that’s in heaven I confess.
And as the two of them stood there, a family came to pray
The storm last night had taken their poor father’s life away.
They asked God “Was it possible for them to find the way.
To find a man like they had known and might he come to stay.
And then and there, this blessed man knew what he had to do.
He walked down from the bridge and said these words so true
“Don’t worry ‘bout your father, children. God will see you tyhru.
Walked them home and found that angel’s words were true
Let Go! Let God! Don’t end a life of caring
And all that you've been sharing
Don’t walk away five minutes ‘fore the miracle is due
No one is a failure ‘cause they haven’t found success.
You have made a treasure that’s in heaven I confess.
Today that man is still alive and on this special day.
He plans to walk me down the aisle and together we will say.
God draws straight with crooked lines. And He will show the way
“Let Go, Let God” is never odd when we have faith today!
Let Go! Let God! Don’t end a life of caring
And all that you've been sharing
Don’t walk away five minutes ‘fore the miracle is due
No one is a failure ‘cause they haven’t found success.
You have made a treasure that’s in heaven
I confess__________________
Copyright 2007 All rights reserved.
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