Twenty-Five Years ago came the ending of the shortest little war in history. The British defeated Argentina in the conflict over the Falkland Islands. I remember it well and I always thought of it as a reality play out of that classic Peter Sellers movie, "The Mouse That Roared. Poor Argentina! She was sop destitute that she thought she would just grab the Falkland islands and the Brits wouldn't have the time or inclination to react. WRONG! Boy, did these guys come back like a vengeance. It was actually the very thing that got Margaret Thatcher's political career alive again. She had lost a lot of popularity in the waning years. I saw some photographs of the islands-- they are really very beautiful and very very British! The folks there have big Union Jack flags painted on their roofs and painted on the tops and sides of their cars! You don't see that in this country unless you go back to the days of 9/11. And speaking of something British, I really laughed but felt terribly sorry for the story on Andrew Lloyd Weber. It seems the great composer (who has had great good luck with the subject of Cats over the years) had a really costly mishap with a brand new six month old kitten. Lloyd Weber has a grand piano with a computer in it that records music as he composes it. Somehow this young cute kitten jumped on to the piano and onto the computer and in one felt swoop wiped out the memory bank of all the music he had been writing for the new Phantom sequel entitled "Phantom in Manhattan". I sure hope he's got a great memory, otherwise it will starting from scratch for this boy! Imagine that: a kitten that destroyed a score. Sounds like what critics do best! Well off to work-- a nice summer's day!
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