Today would have been my dad's 100th birthday. I wanted to share some pictures of him today with you, but the computer wouldd not co-operate. Bar none my sweet dear father was the kindest, most loving and amazing person. He would literally give you his last dime. I am so humbled to have had this wonderful man as my father. He gave literally until it hurt. No Christmas was poor. No birthday was forgotten. My Catholic faith and my relationship with God is possible today only because my father kept his promise to my mother and raised all of us kids in the Catholic faith. Now understand, my dad could have kept that promise by simply driving us to church every Sunday. But oh no, he supported my mother's wishes by arranging that all four of us kids attended parochial school. I dare say that without nuns and priests as my guide during all these many years, I would not be the man of faith I am. I think I would have given up a long time ago. My life has been a challenge, but i am blessed with the gift of music and my dear and wonderful friends: especially Tim Doran
who makes all the music possible. My dad was a character beyond them all. He loved opera and Enrico Caruso and oh how this man could paint. Beautiful landscapes! Amazing portraits! My painted with brushes. I paint with words. Not a bad gene share. I will always be grateful to my dad for all of his many sacrifices. He was honest. He was kind. He was the most giving of fathers. And I miss him to this day. I was just getting to know and appreciate when I lost him at the tender age of eighteen. You are my hero, my dear father! I love you-- still and always!
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