Sunday, August 20, 2006

I would guess that in a thousand tries few people would recognize the image at the left of this text. He looks very distinguished, but by presidential standards, Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd president of the United States was the very first presidential "one term wonder" since the defeat of John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States-- and Admas was not elected directly by the people. It wasn't until the election of Andrew Jackson, that the citizens of the United States had anything directly to do with the election of the president. Harrison was the first president to be elected not by the majority of the popular vote, but by winning in the electoral college count-- the same fate that bested Albert Gore in the election of 2000 that brought us the "George Bush Nightmare". Harrison was made a little famous when Walt Disney made a musical called "The One And Only, Genuine, Original Family Band" with songs written by my very favorite composers in all of the world Richard and Robert Sherman. Oh yes, they wrote "Oh, Benjamin Harrison, you're far beyond comparison. You keep our life a garrison for life and liberty" Harrison was much alligned by the time he left office but actually I did discover that under his administration the Mckinley Tariff Act was enacted. He was a very gifted speaker, I am told and while campaigning journied ten thousand miles in thirty-one days. He could make dozens of speeches in a very short time by containing one subject driven home very very well. He was also the first grandson of a man to become president. William Henry Harrison (who lasted all of thirty days as president due to pnumonia) was his grandfather. "The Family Band" musical has some great songs and really shows the conflict thta existed between the two politicians. Harrison died in 1901-- the very year Walt Disney was born. We held our inventory last night and it seemed to go very smoothly. So today, its back to work on yet another Sunday. We will be recording some more "Traveling Companion" songs on Tuesday and I'm looking forward to that! Looks like the hot weather is returning on Tuesday as well-- 106 degrees is predicted. I hope they're wrong! Well, until next time

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