It's been awhile since I've written something here, but my days as retail manager have been long and hard. Christmas 2007 was a bit disappointing because my store did not beat last year's figures which I really wanted to accomplish. But we did beat a few store stores and sold 144 point and shoot digitals and twenty one digital *SLR'S. Maybe now, I will now have some time for writing. John Nugent and I are finishing songs for "The Runaway Heart" and have even done some work on "The Wild Swans"-- another story from the late great Hans Christian Andersen. Meanwhile Tim has completed the bass and guitar book for "The Traveling Companion" and we plan to go into the studio in January to record some tunes for "Seven" John goes for an interview today for Bed Bath and Beyond. All fingers and toes crossed and a special prayer to God today. With all that goes wrong in our lives, I was reminded by a scripture reading this morning of that grand old phrase "No crown without the cross" We must all bear it and get through it. More later.