Happy Memorial Day To all! I remember my dear Uncle Al would go out on this day and put flowers on the graves on all of the relatives-- even those related to him only by marriage. He was an incredibly wonderful man with a kind and generous heart. Well, my job search goes on. I had a great phone interview with Staples that seemed very positive. I found out that assistant managers there make about forty-seven thousand dollars a year-- pretty amazing. I also was contacted by Pacific theatres as an operations manager. Job hunting by computer is so amazingly easy. I haven't been out of work for twelve years and the last time I collected unemployment was way back in 1975-- thirty-three years ago. I've applied at Screen Vision, BMI, and Universal Pictures-- so we shall see where God leads me. He is my strength and my Light and he has always guided and protected my life. It's too bad the Ritz organization doesn't recognize great talent. All it knows how to do is to go into panic mode and close stores. They simply don't realize that people are not going to trust them any more-- they won't see store closing as great financial planning-- oh no-- they will see it as a great sign of trouble and not purchase from them. Well, I wish them well. I really tried hard at this store. More as I know it. Say a prayer for me! I wrote and recorded a great song for this day called "Some Gave All" Tony Westbrook recorded it and it really turned out wonderfully.
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